We're researching the coming-of-age film, Juno. We're watching the beginning off of www.watchthetitles.com
1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequence of the film?
There was a total of 23 titles that were shown.
2. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
The main image prioritized was the main character. It mainly showed her walking around common areas in her life like her neighborhood or the park. There are occasionally some people that will pass that possible go to her school.
3. What connotations do the images carry?
It started off with the girl walking in her neighborhood alone. She's holding a SunnyD gallon and minding her own business on her walk. This gives it a calm, relaxing vibe from something she potentially does every day.
4. How is genre reinforced thought symbolic and technical codes throughout the outset?
There was this one part shows the character walking in front of the stores. It shows a fancy nail salon, then a guitar store, then a kid's store. This could portray the personal growth the main character develops throughout the movie.
5. How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?
The main character is shown walking past everyone. This can show numerous amount of emotions. She could be lonely and sad about her not having many friends. She can also give off a feeling where she's independent.
6. What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
In the beginning, the film would be partially sketched out. The roads, cars, and stores would be sketched out but the girl walking is real. Most of the features like houses, trees, and other people are actual cut-out photos of them. It's put in a stop-motion style editing. This strategy is used for the whole scene.
7. How has technology been used effectively?
I think the stop motion animation is an interesting and unique idea for the titles. It's interesting how they use drawings and pictures of certain things.
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