We finished filming all of our footage on Saturday, November 23rd. The next week, on Tuesday, November 26th, we dumped the footage onto a flash drive. I emailed myself and the other members of all of the clips we recorded at the mall. It made it easier to download and edit the videos. It also helps us figure out what clips we didn't have. Some clips were missing or didn't load in the email. We just looked back and emailed those clips to ourselves again.
We started actually editing our blog on Tuesday, December 3rd. We put all of our footage together and aligned it in the order we want. We cut and trimmed extra footage that we didn't need. We had a lot to cut because at some points we just let the camera keep recording. We put it together to see if we liked the order the films were. We downloaded our song on an MP3. The intro to the song it longer than we wanted. We had to trim down the music and figure out what's going to play during the video.
Our second day of editing, we were trying to get the video finished. We aren't really familiar with Pinnacle Studios. We tested out the different transitions and see which one we liked the most. In some parts, we didn't add transitions because it wasn't necessary. There's one part where we jump and it switches from the inside to the outside. It didn't look right, we wanted a clean cut to the outside so a transition didn't really fit.
We didn't finish editing today. Our AICE Media teacher let anyone who didn't finish to come in during certain times on Friday. We were going to try and go during study hall to try and finish it up. I have a MacBook Air at home that I could bring to school and see if we can edit on iMovie. If we don't finish editing one of the members of our group will sign out a computer to take home. Another option is to use iMovie to edit the rest on if it isn't hard to use. We're going to be on a group call to discuss what else needs to be added.